The Child Away From Home
离家的孩子 The child away from home
流浪在外边 Wandering around to roam
没有那好衣裳 No good clothes to wear
也没有好烟 No cigarettes puff to the air
好不容易找份工作 Finally got a job
辛勤把活干 He worked hard, not at all a slob
心里头淌着泪 In his heart flow the tears
我脸上流着汗 His face sweat drops blears
离家的孩子 The child sway from home
夜里又难眠 Sleepless and gloom
想起远方的爹娘 With mom and dad so far
泪流满面 his missing tears start
春天已百花开 Spring blooms fair
秋天落叶黄 Fall lees yellow sheer
冬天已下雪了 Winter snow flies
您千万别着凉 Mom and Dad, take care of your lives
月儿圆呀月儿圆 A full moon, a full moon
月儿圆呀又过了一年 A year passed so soon
不是这孩子我心中无挂牵 It's not that I don't care
异乡的生活实在是难 It's hard to be away from home, i swear
哟~哟咿也~~哟咿也~ oh oh yee yeah, oh yee yeah
实在是难 i swear